Canada offers different Permanent Resident Programs.
Find out which one is the best option for you!

Visitor Visa

A Canada visitor visa allows individuals to enter Canada for a temporary period as a tourist or to visit family or friends. We can help you successfully achieve a visitor visa by providing guidance and assistance with the application process, ensuring all necessary documents are submitted, and providing support throughout the entire process.


The Canada Study Visa is a great opportunity for international students to gain a world-class education and experience Canadian culture. Once granted, it allows students to work part-time while studying and also offers a chance to work after their study with a Post Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) which plays an integral role in their pathway to PR.


Explore new opportunities in Canada with ease by utilizing our immigration services. Our team of experts can help you apply for Permanent Residence in Canada under various programs. Trust us to help you achieve your immigration goals.We Strive to help you achieve your dreams of a new life by simplifying the complexities of immigration.


and Professional Immigration Advice

Who we are?

Leading firm for immigration services in Canada

At YKM Immigration Services Ltd., we specialize in providing comprehensive immigration services to individuals and families who wish to migrate to Canada. With years of experience in the industry, we have helped numerous clients achieve their Canadian immigration goals, and we are dedicated to ensuring a smooth and stress-free immigration process for our clients.

Overseas education and study visa consultants.
Top-ranked universities admissions.

Looking for Quality Education In Canada?

Let YKM IMMIGRATION SERVICES LTD. fulfil Your Canadian Dream!

Honest and Professional

Why Choose

  • Government Approved

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)

A Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) is a licensed professional authorized by the Canadian government to represent and advise clients in all matters related to Canadian immigration. An RCIC is required to meet rigorous educational and professional standards to maintain a license. AS an RCIC I have thorough knowledge of Canadian immigration laws, regulations, and policies and can provide expert guidance and representation to individuals and businesses seeking to immigrate to Canada. I can help with a wide range of immigration matters including permanent residence, temporary visas, citizenship applications, and more. Hiring an RCIC provides numerous benefits plus peace of mind that your application is in good hands. Moreover, there are increased chances of success coupled with a streamlined and efficient follow-up support. RCICs are also bound by a strict code of professional conduct and ethics ensuring that they act in the best interests of their clients and maintain the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.


Our clients matter to us.

At YKM Immigration Services Ltd., we prioritize customer satisfaction and go above and beyond to ensure that our clients are happy with our services. We have received numerous positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients, and we take pride in our reputation for excellence in the industry. When you choose us, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. We understand that every client's situation is unique, and we take the time to understand their specific needs and goals. Our approach is tailored to each client's unique circumstances, and we are committed to finding the best solution for them. We are dedicated to providing our clients with a hassle-free experience and ensuring that their immigration journey is a smooth and successful one.


Our promise to uphold professional standards.

We always strive to render the most transparent and ethical immigration services to our clients. We adhere to the highest professional standards and maintain integrity in all our dealings. We keep our clients informed at every stage of the process and provide honest and unbiased advice. We understand that the immigration process can be time-consuming and stressful. We strive to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible for our clients. We ensure that all paperwork and documentation are submitted on time, and we provide regular updates on the status of the application.

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